17 Jun 2024

In 2024, Transition will happen on Wednesday afternoons during term 3, from 1:50-2:50 in the school library for children intending to begin Kindergarten in 2025. Families should meet our qualifi ed teaching staff at the train station area at the front of the school by 1:50pm. The children will walk to the library together to participate in songs, stories and other 'big school' activities. Children can be collected from the library door at 2:50pm.
Parents and/or caregivers must remain on school grounds during the session, however, we kindly ask you to stay in the train station area to allow your children to adjust to the school environment with more independence. This is a great opportunity to make contact with personnel such as the school counselor or administration staff to complete enrollment as needed, and to get to know other parents!
Please note there will be additional information and orientation sessions during term 4 to help you understand Kindergarten and school life, as well as assist with how you can help your child at home with their learning.