Thomas Acres Public School

Engaging Students in the 21st Century

Telephone02 4626 4577

School Uniform

School uniform

All students are expected to wear full school uniform at all times.  Our school uniform may be purchased at LOWES - Shop U025 Macarthur Square Shopping Centre, Campbelltown NSW 2560.

Telephone - 4626 3391
Website     -

  • Monday - 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
  • Tuesday - 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
  • Wednesday - 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
  • Thursday - 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • Friday - 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
  • Saturday - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Sunday - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Children are to wear appropriate footwear at all times (eg. no sandals, open-toe shoes etc)

For excursions, outings and other special functions where the students appear before the community, wearing school uniform is expected.

Second-hand clothing pool

We gladly welcome second-hand and unwanted uniforms as donations from our community.  All items are resold at just $5 each.  Money raised is used to purchase resources for our stduents.

Limited stock is available and can change daily, so please visit the office between 10am – 2pm to view selection.

Sport uniform

We do not have a specific sports uniform.  Students are to wear appropriate items from our uniform selection and sports shoes.  PSSA teams will be provided with a special team shirt to wear at gala days which need to be returned at the end of the day.

Aboriginal cultural shirt (optional)

Thomas Acres Public School are so pleased to offer an Aboriginal Cultural Polo Shirt as part of our school uniform. These shirts are intended to be an ‘add-on’ to our current school uniform. The shirt can be worn by all our students and staff at school, especially for NAIDOC week, Aboriginal days of recognition and when representing the school.

The shirt is available for sale through the school at a cost of $43.00 (payment options are available). Orders are available twice per year, so keep an eye out on the website early in Semester One (February) and again in early Semester Two (August). Shirts orders are placed through our supplier on the closing date, and generally take six to eight weeks to arrive.

The shirts were a school vision in 2017, which became a reality by the end of Term 1, 2018.

Our core committee had a draft design which we sent to our supplier, Dreamtime Native Arts & Crafts (Sean Mitchell Agencies). Mr Sean Mitchell and his team began working on various designs and artworks for us to consider.

In February 2018, we held a Yarn Meeting with community members seeking feedback on the design. A few adjustments were made to the most popular one. We also sought staff and student feedback throughout the process.

Our shirt tells a story … the front of the shirt represents the journey in life. Footprints entering and travelling, with a significant meeting place as a central part of our life, being school. It implies that education is a substantial part of life, valuable and important in being able to continue on in life’s journey.

In addition, the lyrebird on the rear of the shirt represents the totem of the D’harawal people, the land on which our school stands. Of course the flags represent the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our school and community.

There are other artworks combined on the shirt from specialist Aboriginal artists, embedding symbols, patterns and colours that represent and embrace cultural aspects.

Click here for an Order form

Year 6 commemorative polo

Year 6 students will be given a Commemorative Polo at no cost to families. Students will take ownership of the design, therefore they will vary each year.  Student's surname will be printed on the back as it is displayed on their birth certificate.

A one-off bulk order will be made early in the year.