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Thomas Acres Public School

Thomas Acres Public School

Engaging Students in the 21st Century

Telephone02 4626 4577

When is too sick to go to school?

Ask yourself:

  • Is my child well enough to comfortably take part in the day’s activities?
  • Will my child pass on their illness to other children or staff?
  • Will my child’s teacher be able to care for my child without it impacting on their ability to care for other children?
  • If I felt like this, would I go to work?
  • If you are unsure, speak to your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

Not sure if you should send your child to school or keep them home?

Too sick to go to school gives parents advice on how to manage various health conditions and may be of use when deciding on how long to keep your child home to recover or to prevent spreading illness to classmates.

This information has been supplied by NSW Health and is not intended to replace a visit to your doctor if anyone in your family is unwell.

Removing head lice and nits

Mention head lice and most of us instantly develop an itch. You'll find these little critters at every school across Australia – and probably the world – at some point during the year. While head lice and nits, (the eggs of head lice) are certainly annoying and persistent, they're not dangerous. Here's everything you need to know to rid your kids of head lice and nits.

There are specialised salons that cater for the treatment and removal of headlice (eg. 'No More Nitz' located in Liverpool)