Learning from home - pack 6
Teachers have prepared the next ‘Learning from Home’ packs. These will be available on the School Website and a link will be made available on Facebook and Seesaw. If you do not have access to these platforms or would prefer a hard copy, the procedure is the same as previous pick-ups.
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
(Monday is Labour Day public holiday)
Parents are to take the packs they need
Collection of packs will occur in the school car park so that we can ensure social distancing. Please do not go beyond the car park area.
- 9 am – 10 am - Kindergarten
- 10 am – 11 am - Year 1
- 11 am – 12 pm - Year 2 and Support Unit
- 12 pm - 1 pm - Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 (Stages 2 and 3)
We ask that you come at the time allocated for your youngest child and collect all packs for all your children at once.
Please remember to wear a mask, sign in with the QR code and social distance at all times
As you would appreciate, we are still required to have minimal staff on-site due to the restrictions from NSW Health and the Department of Education. Therefore, could you please ensure that you pick up your packs between the allocated times on Tuesday as they will not be available any other day of the week. This is to ensure that we keep our staff and community safe.
If you are unable to pick up Home Learning packs on Tuesday, you will need to access Home Learning through Seesaw, Facebook or the School Website.
In the event of wet weather collection of packs will be delayed to a later day.